Spring Virtual Career Fair: Tips and Tricks

Posted By: Kelly Samardak (deleted) Blog,

Tips and Ticks to Building a Virtual Career Fair Booth that Attracts Top Talent

When buds start to appear on the trees with the advent of Spring, everything feels fresh and new. It’s a time when people begin to refocus and set new intentions. Often this intention setting is around one’s career in this exciting industry of manufacturing: Is this the right path? Am I growing my skills? Am I making the right connections?

We have been seeing a lot of “Open to Work” graphics in LinkedIn as more women and veterans are returning to work, as students embark on their first search, and as more people do the infamous pivot. As the corporate world more and more embraces the value that a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategy brings to their culture, job seekers are making these values a priority in their searches.

Virtual Career Fairs are a great way for employers with open opportunities to reach this ambitious crowd on the hunt for roles in manufacturing. Reaching them is great, but you need to attract them to your virtual booth.

Here are some tips and tricks to building a Virtual Career Fair booth that attracts top talent:

  1. Nail down your employer brand voice and use it consistently across all content you will share with job seekers, from welcome messaging to videos to follow up.
  2. Promote your participation in the virtual career fair via your owned media channels. Make job seekers in your networks aware of this opportunity to connect with you.
  3. If your Virtual Career Fair platform, like the one WiM uses for our upcoming Virtual Career Fair, enables you to set up meetings ahead of time, take advantage of it!
  4. Feature short vibrant recruitment videos that highlight the reasons employees join, and stay with, your organization

Ready to attract top talent? Register as an exhibitor at WiM’s Virtual Career Fair on May 10, 2022!

Register Today!

Let WiM help connect your company with talent driven candidates to fill your workforce needs.  Contact Jennifer Kopf at jkopf@womeninmfg.org for more information on registration and how to become a feature company within the Virtual Career Fair broadcast agenda during the event.