Call for Participation

Speaking Opportunities 

Empowering Women in Production Program - Call for Coaches!

We are thrilled to announce our new "Empowering Women in Production Program" and we would like your help bringing it to life this fall.

This program is designed to support professional development of manufacturing shop-floor employees, to make their next promotion more likely, more quickly.  We blend external coaching, internal mentoring and virtual learning, with a peer accountability partner throughout.

Shop floor employees are the best source of future knowledge workers and leaders at a company, because they know the culture, the products, the processes – the good, bad and the ugly.  Often, they've missed out on opportunities to build "soft skills." This limits their upward mobility. 

We can fix this, one person at a time. For more information, fill out the Interest Form.

We are looking for a diverse group of women to act as coaches for program participants.

The time commitment would be an initial ~ 45-60  min group Zoom meeting led by WiM to kick-off the program and walk through the program structure.

Then you would be asked to meet for ~ 90 minutes individually with each participant you’re matched with. You would be provided the participant’s pre-assessment results (we’re targeting Pradco’s Individual Contributor assessment), along with a set of questions (along with your normal process), to help the participant identify their personal vision – what they want to achieve professionally, what their main areas of opportunity are, and some homework for them to complete before the program launches.

It would be helpful if you’re willing to answer participants’ questions over email during the program. We will set guidance around the quantity and complexity of questions to ensure we’re not taking too much of your time!

Then, you’d be asked to meet one final time for ~ 90 minutes individually with each participant you’re matched with review their personal vision, weave in the key skills they’ve learned and how they will apply them, and a review of their learning contract to ensure that they have documented appropriate next steps and are in alignment with their direct supervisor.

Total time commitment - ~ 4 hrs / participant, over 18 weeks

Our goal – to have you commit to 10 participants, over 18 weeks, which works out to 40 hrs total.

This is a chance to get exposure to amazing women across the manufacturing industry and pay it forward by sharing your hard-won lessons.

What’s Next? Let us know you’re interested by filling out the Interest Form. We’ll schedule a 30 minute Zoom to talk through details and answer any questions you have. We are here to collaborate with you every step of the way!

Sponsorship Opportunities 

Empowering Women in Production Program - Sponsor Opportunities