About WiM Chapters
Women in Manufacturing (WiM) has a growing network of 34 local and statewide chapters across the United States.
WiM chapters provide members with opportunities to network, learn and connect and chapters fulfill WiM's mission to support, promote and inspire women in manufacturing on the local level.
To learn more about each unique chapter, visit their individual web pages via the website navigation above. On each chapter web page you'll find links to information about their upcoming events, affiliated member and local chapter leaders.
Connect with the WiM Chapter Nearest to YOU!
chapters directory
Organizing a WiM Chapter
To officially organize and launch a new WiM Chapter, certain criteria must be met and the developing chapter's leadership team must submit an application to the WiM Board of Directors, who will approve all new chapters twice annually.
Affiliating with WiM Chapters
All WiM membership types are nationally recognized and members may choose to affiliate themselves with multiple WiM chapters, to meet their business or networking needs! Affiliating your WiM profile with a WiM chapter allows that chapter to contact you directly regarding upcoming events, programs and local or regional event or volunteer opportunities.
Chapter Affiliation Step-by-Step
Attending WiM Chapter Events
Chapters host a variety of virtual and in-person networking, professional development and educational programs. Each year, WiM chapters around the United States host both in-person and virtual events for WiM members and manufacturing professionals to attend. WiM members can attend events from any WiM chapter, enabling members to connect across the country. Browse the full calendar of events below and connect with other local members today!
Becoming a WiM Chapter Leader
WiM chapters across the country are seeking volunteer members to fill a variety roles on their leadership teams. If you are interested in being a local WiM leader, we would love to hear from YOU!