WiM Illinois

Chapter Leaders  Chapter Events Affiliated Members Non-Solicitation Policy

The Women in Manufacturing (WiM) Illinois Chapter has an active base of members in and around Illinois. Chapters provide excellent opportunities for you to expand your local network, build valuable business relationships, and enjoy industry-related programming.

If you are interested in any of the WiM Illinois Chapter programs, or would like to volunteer, please contact chapters@womeninmfg.org.

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Recent WiM IL Events

May 2024 | Lunch & Learn - Presenting Your Case to Attend SUMMIT 

So you want to go to Women in Manufacturing's national SUMMIT conference, but you don’t know how to convince your boss to send you? WiM Illinois has you covered! Presenting your case to your boss doesn’t have to be scary or difficult. In fact, it should be easy. SUMMIT is the perfect opportunity for charting your professional journey through impactful keynote presentations, roundtable discussions and, breakout sessions all designed to expand your knowledge, and your network and strengthen your ability to grow the community of women in manufacturing at all levels of your organization. 

View Recording     Download Slides

WiM Chapter Awards Recognition

2021 Chapter Awards

Mighty Networkers

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