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VLS Webinar | Leading With Confidence in Male-Dominated Environments

This webinar is part of the WiM Virtual Learning Series.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)

This event will take place on Zoom; details will be sent via email after registering.

Event Details

Leading With Confidence in Male Dominated Environments

When: October 11, 2023

11:00 am - Noon EST

Presented by: Micha Goebig

Many female professionals feel consistently underestimated and passed over, especially in male-dominated environments such as tech and automotive. Recent studies show that close to 80 percent of women struggle with a lack of confidence at work. In other words, a large number of women are held back in their advancement by self-doubts and low self-esteem, shying away from self-advocacy. In our day and age, however, confidence and visibility can be about as vital as expertise and experience in shaping a successful career. Why are so many female professionals struggling with confidence? First, corporate continues to be a world primarily designed for (white) men. So women often have to work a lot harder for the same reward. Instead of recognizing this inequity, we tend to internalize the experience as a sense of “not enough”. Second, our brain is wired to trust past experience above all. In our fast-paced business world, time to do something over and over again – and gradually build experience and thus confidence in our skills and ability – is increasingly rare. But the good news is: Confidence is a transferable skill, and in this session you will learn how to leverage it!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for accessing this webinar via Zoom.

More About Micha Goebig

The founder & CEO of GO BIG COACHING & COMMUNICATIONS, Micha Goebig primarily helps female professionals and founders in tech and other male-dominated spaces lead with confidence. She guides clients through her 5-step confidence framework as well as through unlearning what holds them back, most often negative self-talk, impostor syndrome, perfectionism, self-sabotage, and people-pleasing.

Micha is a public speaker, certified coach and published author. She is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council as well as the lead presentation coach on the speaker team of TEDxSeattle. Before training as a coach, she founded, and still owns, a boutique agency – GO BIG COMMUNICATIONS – that specializes in corporate communications for the German luxury car and supplier industries, a field in which she has 20 years of experience as a communications expert, intercultural trainer and workshop host. 

Micha holds a master’s degree from the University of Munich, taught at several colleges in the USA and Germany, has published extensively (including a novel with RandomHouse), and trained with one of Germany’s leading executive coaches as well as Rich Litvin and others in the USA. She follows a German-style speaking and coaching approach: efficient, pragmatic, solution-driven, direct. 

For More Information:

Julianne Radish