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WiM Colorado | Being Resilient in the Midst of Change, Growth & Uncertainty

Thursday, August 19, 2021
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM (MDT)

Join us virtually! Details for accessing this event will be sent via email after registering.

59 Seats Remaining

Event Details

WiM Colorado presents
Being Resilient in the Midst of Change, Growth & Uncertainty

Thursday, August 19, 2021

4 - 5:30 p.m. MT

Join us virtually!

Cost to Attend:
WiM Members = FREE
Nonmembers = $10

If we’ve learned anything from 2020, it is that change and responding rather than feeling reactive (or being paralyzed) to uncertainty is inevitable and necessary for growth.

Change can be very emotional and even painful for individuals and teams. Constant change has resulted in unprecedented levels of anxiety and depression for the majority of us.

Whether we’re dealing with family or health challenges, navigating a pandemic, merger, acquisition, downsizing, restructuring, or even simply new leadership, change happens. And yet when change happens, it can throw our personal life and our work life into chaos. Working from home or not, there's no separation between "work and home" because we bring our "human" to work.

In order to recover fully, bounce back quickly, essentially be more resilient, you must take action.

Christina Haxton from The Center for Sustainable Strategies will share three practical strategies you can use immediately to shift into a “resilient mindset'', which you can in turn share with your family, colleagues and your team so you can weather the next storm successfully together.

Participants are welcome to stay on the zoom meeting for additional networking and opportunity to continue discussion with our speaker from 5:00 - 5:30 pm MT

For More Information:

Sandy Chockla
Sandy Chockla
retired Expense Reduction Analysts (970)232-4860


4:00 – Welcome / Networking
4:05 – A word from our sponsors
4:10 – Christina Haxton - Being Resilient in the Midst of Change
4:40 – Audience Questions
4:55 – Closing Remarks / Announcements / Drawing
5:00 – Main session ends
5:02 – Optional WiM Colorado After Party with Christina Haxton
5:30 - Adjourn

Thank you to our sponsors!