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WiM Northern Wisconsin | Mental Health for Women

Thursday, November 10, 2022
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (CST)

* Registration open until 11/8/22 at 4:00 PM (CST)

Event Details

Join WiM Northern Wisconsin for

Mental Health for Women

A wellness check-in with a Vibration Sound Therapist

Thursday, November 10, 2022

4:00 - 6:00 p.m. ET

Beyond Blessed Therapies

320 Ross Ave Suite 1
Schofield, WI 54476

Are you taking time for yourself in your manufacturing career?

5997.jpegJoin WiM Northern Wisconsin for a Mental Health check in of yourself with Flora Jerde, Licensed Vibration Sound Therapist. Flora will provide attendees with a Journey of Sounds session which is exactly how it sounds, it is a journey of many sounds. Experience your own journey while listening to different therapeutic sounds, including singing bowls. Flora uses crystal bowls, which are notes associated with the different chakras or parts of our body, therapeutic Himalayan bowls that your body picks up what frequency your body needs. Sessions also include a few other bowls, gongs, and chimes.

A journey of sounds is simply a type of relaxation or meditation that helps your mind shut down for a while to allow your body to go into a deep relaxation.

Flora’s goal is for you to feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and rebalanced.

This event will also include BrainTap and meditation cushion sessions for the registrants who do not participate in the Journey of Sounds session.

Additional information about therapy options available during this event can be found below. Register above for the one that works best for you - we can't wait to see you there!

What is BrainTap?

BrainTap® is a device that uses light and sound to get you out of the fight-or-flight, highly stressed mode, and into a state of relaxation where positive changes occur.

The BrainTap® Headset uses red and blue lights in the earphones to calm the nervous system, free up meridian points and encourage healing. The visor lights are encoded to get you into the desired state required to achieve the goal.

The words used in the BrainTap® system applies epigenetics which says that 98% of what causes you to function is not in your genes but in your surroundings (people you associate with, books you read, tv/movies, thoughts you think, etc.). BrainTap® helps retrain your brain to bring it into balance so you can think and act in a more clear, relaxed manner. It helps eliminate stress, enhance sleep quality, reduce anxiety, change brain chemistry and more. This can allow you to feel good, accomplish more and live a fuller life.

BrainTap® offers over 50 different categories such as sleep, anxiety, PTSD, autism, goal setting, weight wellness, addiction and so much more. It takes a passive and personal approach, so it easily fits into your existing healthcare needs. Your body and mind synchronize with the ideas and concepts and bring to pass the positive results you want in your life. Let BrainTap® do the work for you with its simple, portable, and easy-to-use system!

What is Vibroacoustic Therapy?

Vibroacoustic therapy is a safe, drug-free, non-invasive approach to reducing pain and anxiety and improving quality of life. Whether you are suffering from work overload or are dealing with a serious medical condition, vibroacoustic therapy is a powerful modality that will help you relax and allow healing to take place.

Vibroacoustic therapy uses sound to produce vibrations that are applied directly to the body. During the vibroacoustic therapy process, a client lies on the specially designed mat or bed or sits on a meditation cushion that is embedded with speakers or transducers which transmit sound into vibrations that travel through the body in a soothing, healing motion that is like an "internal massage".

How Does it Work?

Vibroacoustic therapy is based on the principle that life is vibration. Matter, including the human body, vibrates all the time, at various frequencies. Sound and music also vary in frequency. Therefore, when the various frequencies of sound and/or music are converted to vibration which is introduced to the human body, it can be utilized to bring the body into a state of healthy resonance.

Because our bodies are composed mainly of water – approximately 70% for an older person and about 90% for a newborn baby, all of this water is set into motion when the body is exposed to these sound vibrations. As this water is moved by the vibration, its molecules are reacting and communicating with each other. As this communication occurs, harmony and a healthy resonance are restored in the body.

For More Information:

Molly Jacobs
Molly Jacobs
BPI Specialist II Greenheck Group (715)301-8978


4:00 - 4:30 p.m. | Welcome from Flora
4:30 - 5:00 p.m. | Journey of Sounds/Other Meditation Offerings
5:00 - 6:00 p.m. | Network & Demos

Thank you to our sponors!