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WiM Ohio | Holiday Networking Event

Wednesday, December 13, 2023
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EST)
Event Sold Out

Event Details

Join WiM Ohio for a

Holiday Networking Event

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 

2:00 - 5:00 p.m. ET

Stir Studio Kitchen
16 Clinton St
Hudson, Ohio 44236

Cost to Attend:
WiM Members = $50
Nonmembers = $55

Join WiM Ohio for a delicious holiday networking event at Stir Studio Kitchen in Hudson. This year WiM Ohio will be welcoming Melony Butler with Dress for Success Cleveland. Your ticket cost will include appetizers, a cooking class, drinks, desert and a donation to the Dress for Success Cleveland organization.

Dress for Success:

Every woman has the right to realize her full potential and achieve financial independence in a more egalitarian world. We believe that with the proper education, tools and action this world is possible.

Poverty often affects women the most, and its effects on them and their families can be long-lasting. Therefore, addressing women’s needs is central to improving the quality of life for not only that woman but also her family, future generations and her community. In fact, recognizing the significant role of women in economic development is the smart thing to do, as well as being socially and morally right.

We believe that achieving gender equality is imperative to developing a sustainable and just world for all, which is possible by acknowledging the crucial role that women play in the world economy.

We believe that by building up a woman’s agency and knowledge, better synergies between gender equality and economic sustainability are realized, enabling her to generate a long-term impact in both her private and public life.

Working Together
We are an ever-expanding network of affiliates who partner with community agencies, volunteers, and companies across the world to make a big impact in women’s lives. By supporting each other, we can reach a greater number of women and make our vision a reality.

If you are unable to attend, but feel compelled to make a donation this holiday season, you can do so here.

We can't wait to see you there!

For More Information:

Sara Drake
Sara Drake
Senior Business Development Manager Everstaff (440)554-1318
Thank you to our annual sponsors!