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WiM South Carolina | FN America Plant Tour

Thursday, May 11, 2023
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
13 Seats Remaining

* Registration open until 5/9/23 at 10:00 AM (EST)

Event Details

Join WiM South Carolina for a tour at 

FN America

Thursday, May 11, 2023

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET

FN America
797 Old Clemson Rd.
Columbia, SC 29229

Cost to Attend:
WiM Members = Free

The South Carolina Chapter of Women in Manufacturing (WiM) invite you to a tour at FN America's Plant in Columbia, SC. The tour will include a company intro and an FN factory tour, followed by a survey.

About FN America

FN America, LLC, is a U.S. subsidiary of FN Herstal, S.A., a global leader in the development and manufacturing of high-quality, reliable firearms for military, law enforcement, and commercial customers worldwide.  Headquartered in McLean, VA, with manufacturing operations in Columbia, SC, FN America is passionately committed to providing its customers with a portfolio of products, training, and support services under the FN brand name that enhance their performance and safeguard their lives. All FN handguns, with the exception of the FN FiveseveN®, are manufactured at the company’s state-of-the art production facility in Columbia, SC. 

For More Information:

Frances Fager
Frances Fager
QA Coordinator (864)486-7268x0000
Please Note:
  • Steel toe shoes required.
  • Clear lens safety glasses required.