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WiM Western Pennsylvania | Unconscious Bias Training

Tuesday, August 4, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
52 Seats Remaining

* Registration open until 8/3/20 at 4:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

WiM Western Pennsylvania

Unconscious Bias Training

Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 

Time: 12 - 1 PM EDT

Where: Zoom

Cost to Attend
WiM Member: FREE
Nonmember: $10.00

Join WiM Western Pennsylvania for a session on unconcious bias and how it impacts our day to lives and long term success. Come curious and leave with knowledge on how to tackle the unconscious biases that may be affecting you personally or professionally - without you even realizing it!

Meet our speaker

Dorene Ciletti, MBA, Ph.D., is an associate professor and chair of the marketing and sales program in the Rowland School of Business at Point Park University. Dorene’s expertise in marketing, sales, and strategy has been instrumental in developing new curricula, facilitating corporate and community-facing initiatives, and leading student teams to success in regional and national competitions. Her teaching centers on experiential learning and design thinking, including consulting with multinational, local, and not-for-profit organizations and collaboration with community and government leaders. In addition to higher education, she has worked in marketing and sales in the health care and financial services sectors and served on the boards of not-for-profit organizations focused on inclusion.

We can't wait to see you there!

Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

For More Information:

Melissa Monarko
Melissa Monarko
MBA President Metal Solutions Inc. (724)236-0365