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Xometry Live: Advancing Women in Manufacturing

Xometry and the Women in Manufacturing Association to Present Findings

Thursday, March 10, 2022
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM (EST)

Register on Thomas's website

Event Details


220310 Xom LIVE LP

Xometry Live Information: 

  1. Report findings: Get an inside look at the latest findings from our second annual Career Advancement in Manufacturing Report. For example, did you know 75% of women are likely or very likely to recommend a career in manufacturing?

  2. An insight on diversity: Understand why growth in American manufacturing depends on a more diverse workforce.

  3. Panel discussion: Hear from women across the industry about lessons learned and the concrete steps all organizations can take to ensure greater representation in manufacturing.

Notable Attendees:

Companies: Amazon, BASF Chemicals, John Deere, Ametek, Autodesk, Honeywell, Microsoft, P&G, Canon, Toyota, Pfizer, Target, and Fujifilm. 

Government Entities: NIST, Small Business Administration, South Carolina Commission for Minority Affairs, and the Virginia Dept. of Veteran Services.

Non-Profits: Jobs for the Future, Women of Aerospace, and the Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland.

Educational Institutions: George Mason University, Wake Forest University, and Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School.