Got 99 Problems...but Manufacturing Ain't One
Date postedFebruary 19, 2015

Manufacturing has consistently offered high salaries for workers.
This week, in an interview with Manufacturing.Net, Advanced Technology Services President Jeff Owens discussed salaries in the manufacturing sector. "Perception drives many myths about manufacturing," he said. "The largest one being that manufacturing jobs are not as professional or high paying as jobs that require a suit and tie. Nothing could be further from the truth. Fact is, manufacturing salaries outpace retail jobs by a mile."
Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD) recently made the same point about the strength and stability offered by manufacturing. "I think manufacturing is critical, frankly," he said in an interview with The Baltimore Business Journal. "This kind of job is critically important if we're going to have a middle class expanding in America, if we're going to have the kinds of jobs that working Americans have traditionally held, paying them good salaries, giving them a good life."
During the 2014 WiM SUMMIT, we released a survey of over 870 women - including both experienced women currently working in manufacturing and young women who are just beginning to consider their career options. One of the most significant findings was that women currently working in the manufacturing sector are pleased with their jobs. More than 80% of the surveyed women in manufacturing today reported that their work is interesting and challenging and, importantly, half of the women said that compensation is the most significant benefit of the sector.
As women all across the workforce seek high-paying jobs, we'd encourage them to take a second look at manufacturing.