COVID-19 Health & Safety and Risk Acknowledgement
Please read before completing your event registration.
In order to safeguard the health and safety of all that attend the event in person, the Women in Manufacturing Association (WiM) will comply with federal, state, and locally-issued health and safety precautions including the CDC’s Guidance for Events as an integral part of the execution of the event onsite. These mandates are constantly evolving, and WiM will make reasonable efforts to ensure all registered attendees are informed of the final health and safety requirements and precautions that will be implemented onsite closer to the first day of the event.
While we have established preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, we cannot guarantee that you will not become infected with COVID-19, and attending the event could increase your risk of contracting COVID-19. By registering and attending the event, you acknowledge that you may be exposed to or infected with COVID-19; that if you are infected, you may infect others; and that contracting COVID-19 may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, or even death, both to yourself and to others with whom you may come in contact or whom you may infect if you become a carrier or transmitter of the virus.
You understand the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at the event may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of yourself and others, including the event venue, Women in Manufacturing (WiM), and their employees, contractors, agents, exhibitors, and sponsors. You accept sole responsibility for this risk and agree to hold the Women in Manufacturing (WiM), the event venue, and their representatives harmless for any injury to yourself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death) or others as a result even with respect to such indemnified parties’ negligence. WiM, however, is not claiming release from claims based on WiM’s own gross negligence or willful or criminal wrongdoing.
Do not attend any WiM local or national event(s) if you become sick with COVID-19 symptoms, test positive for COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone with symptoms or someone suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19.
Please contact Women in Manufacturing (WiM) with any questions regarding this page.