WiM Member Spotlight - Sandra Mora

Member Spotlights,
Getting to know WiM member...
Sandra Mora

Plant Project Manager

Affiliated with WiM Southern California Chapter


Please share some background about your company, position and what your company produces.

As a Plant Project Manager at Ventura Foods, I drive the commercialization of new products at our facility and oversee projects aimed at driving growth, enhancing processes and improving quality across the site. Ventura Foods is a food manufacturer of dressings, sauces, mayo, margarine and oil.

What do you like most about being a member of WiM?

What I love the most about being a member of WiM is the sense of community it fosters among the women in our facility, the invaluable mentorship opportunities it provides and the empowering events and resources it offers for personal and professional growth. I love that it has given me the opportunity to be a mentor to other women, helping me pay forward the gift that my mentors have given me over the course of my career.

What do you enjoy most about the manufacturing industry?

One of the aspects of the manufacturing industry that I really enjoy is the diversity of people I have the privilege of working alongside. Whether it's collaborating with our frontline team members, supervisors, engineers or product developers, I'm constantly amazed by the wealth of knowledge and perspectives they bring to the table. I often learn something new from each of them and it's a privilege to be able to lead projects where all of these groups come together to drive impactful initiatives forward.

Have you attended any WiM programs or events? If so, which ones?

Yes; I attended the WiM 2023 SUMMIT. 

What passion or purpose gets you up in the morning?

My family has always been my purpose. As the daughter of immigrants, I always had a determination to honor the sacrifices my parents made for our family. Their resilience and unwavering support instilled in me a sense of purpose and responsibility. Now, as a mother myself, my greatest aspiration is to provide my daughter with a life filled with love, opportunity and endless possibilities. Every day, I strive to be the role model she deserves, someone she can look up to with pride.

How do you stay motivated in your personal and professional life?

I maintain my motivation in both my personal and professional life by consistently striving towards meaningful goals. Whether I'm learning how to cook, pursuing certifications or aiming for advancement in my career, I try to avoid staying stagnant. By embracing a mindset of continuous growth and progress, I find fulfillment in the day-to-day grind. I also make it a point to prioritize fun and social connections. Balancing work and motherhood has been tough, but I've found that nurturing my social life and recharging on weekends helps keep me motivated throughout the week.

What's your biggest professional accomplishment to date?

Four years post-college, I was entrusted with an Operations Manager role, a significant milestone in my career. As a young woman in a leadership position, overseeing a team of over 40 individuals which were all older than me and predominantly male, it presented a great learning and growth opportunity for me. This experience helped me develop and hone my leadership skills - something that has been invaluable in my current role and even in my personal life. It made me confident in my abilities to lead people and processes, and I still consider that my biggest professional accomplishment to date.

What's the best piece of business advice that you've ever received?

The most impactful piece of business advice I received was from my father, a lifelong machinist in the manufacturing industry. As I neared completion of my engineering degree, he cautioned me against the notion that education equated to expertise. Instead, he emphasized the importance of listening and learning from those actively engaged in the work. This wisdom guided me not only to gain invaluable knowledge early in my career, but it also allowed me to foster meaningful relationships with the team members I later had the privilege to lead as their manager.

Do you have any tips or advice for new WiM members?

Don't hesitate to reach out to someone you admire and ask them to be your mentor. One of the most valuable benefits of being a member of WiM is the access to networking and mentorship opportunities it offers. Leverage these resources to advance your personal and professional growth!

What is Ventura Foods doing to create an inclusive atmosphere or support women in the industry?

Our company is dedicated to promoting gender diversity in leadership roles. I'm proud to share that the composition of our site leadership team is 50% women. Furthermore, we actively support our female employees by encouraging participation in organizations such as WiM, providing them with networking and developmental opportunities, so they too can one day hold a leadership role!

What are your hobbies outside of work?

A recent hobby I picked up has been making floral arrangements. I enjoy picking up different flowers from my local grocery store, arranging them in glass vases and gifting them if the result is just right.

What's your go-to comfort food?

Anything spicy!

What is the best trip you have ever been on and why?

Nashville, TN. My entire group of friends surprised me by showing up to my birthday trip. It was such a great time!